Ningbo Green Light Energy Technology Co., Ltd
  • Project O&M
  • Project Investment
  • EPC
  • Project Financing
  • Project Evaluation and Development
  • Ningbo Green Light Energy Technology Co., Ltd
    What We Do?
    Development, design, construction, financing and investment in solar, wind, and other renewable energy projects.
  • Superior Engineering Construction and Management Capabilities


    With over a decade of experience in both international and domestic projects, our expertise spans from overseas engineering to distributed and centralized ground-based power stations. We are dedicated to delivering top-quality projects through our commitment to craftsmanship and excellence.
  • Efficient Asset Operation and Management


    Our professional asset operation and management team excels in strategic decision-making and execution. With extensive experience in maximizing asset value and maintaining stable collaborative channels, we ensure efficient and effective asset management.
  • Extensive Project Development Experience


    Our seasoned sales and development team brings years of business experience and market insight. With a sharp eye for opportunities and skilled project development managers, we are adept at driving successful project development.
  • Superior Operation and Maintenance Services


    Our established operation and maintenance center is staffed by industry veterans who meticulously oversee every component to prevent potential losses or incidents. We are committed to ensuring the smooth and reliable operation of all our projects.
  • Ningbo Green Light Energy Technology Co., Ltd
    Ningbo Green Light Energy Technology Co., Ltd

    Contact us


    5 Xingye Middle Road, Bonded East District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
    All rights reserved:Ningbo Green Light Energy Technology Co., Ltd  Technical support:Rongsheng network

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